
Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2009

Anvil Award

Hello Music Friends,

a new "tag" is comming soon. It's called "Anvil Award". With this Tag I'll show you up the best Megamixes on my Mixfreaks Podcast Blog. I'll give Award's to Posts that are older than 3 Month.

To Choose a Megamix for an Award some of this Criterias should be filled:

• Post’s that I really like
• Post’s that User’s Voted high
• Post’s that have many Downloads
• Post’s with many Tracks & / or many Hours.
• Post’s with a liquid Mixstyle.
• Post’s with Special Music.

Usually every Anvil (=Incus, a small bone in the Middle ear) should like the Post's marked with "Anvil Award". Therefore I'll suggest that you'll take a listen to that Mix, and give him a Chance.

The first Anvil Award's will be given in March 2010 continuative. Other Award's are my Peak Positions on my Charts, see on my Website.

greetz &  beatz,
anvil aka
daniel aus  düsseldorf
